Hello everyone!

Welcome to the Current Events blog!  I've started this as a way to get people more involved with the Current Events class here at Zenrinkan.  On this site, you'll be able to find resources for research, handouts for classes, and articles that I find interesting.  I hope that posting topics and resources before hand will make the class more interesting and a little less intimidating!

I would also love any input you have!  Anything from suggestions for topics to pieces of news you found interesting, to questions for me or the other students.


Monday 8 June 2009

New blog site!!

Hey guys, we've moved! come to our new site:


see you there!


Friday 5 June 2009

June 4 class

Hey guys!

Apparently, media bias is an interesting topic, so how would you all feel about doing it two weeks in a row?

We can go over different parts of the articles, discuss different view points, maybe you could bring in some examples of bias in Japanese news (sorry, i can't read japanese newspapers! m(__)m ).

How does that sound to you?

(You can leave comments either in the comments section below, or in the chat section at the top left. thanks!)